We are currently accepting applications for pharmacists and pharmacy techs.

Trabajamos arduamente para ofrecerle los siguientes servicios

Ofrecemos text and/or email notification when scripts are ready, medication synchronization, pharmaceutical quality vitamins and supplements, flavoring for children's medications, flu shots, cholesterol & A1-C testing, the Rxight test - determines if your medication matches your genetic profile


Proveyendo la calidad que usted espera de su farmacia.

Si no encuentra un servicio que necesita, por favor dejenos saber para poder ayudarle.

Envio de medicamentos

Si usted no puede viajar, ¡nosotros podemos manderle su medicamento a su puerta! ¡Simplemente seleccione su método de entrega, con su petición de recarga y ya! Se aplicarán las tarifas de envío regular.

Prescription Services

1. Medication synchronization – all your medications filled and ready for pickup in one monthly visit.
2. Text and/or email notifications when your prescriptions are ready.
3. Pharmaceutical quality vitamins and supplements, plus professional advice in choosing which ones are right for you.
4. Rxight genetic testing which can determine which medications will and won’t work for you. Save time, money, and help obtain the best results from the medications you take now and in the future.
5. Flavoring for children’s medications.
6. Flu shots.
7. Cholesterol and A1-C testing.
8. Drug disposal services. Get old and unneeded medications out of your home.

Nuestra compromiso a la atención del paciente y su salud es nuestra primera prioridad aquí en Larsen Service Drug.

Nosotros creemos en proveerle servicios y productos de calidad.

Larsen Service Drug
244 Main Street North, Watford City, ND 58854
(701) 444-2410 - (701) 444-2921
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Larsen Service Drug
334 Main Street, New Town, ND 58763
(701) 627-2410 - (701) 627-2400
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